How Much Maximum Time Is Required To Complete The Abortion Process?

When a woman plans for an abortion process she often thinks that how much time will it take to end the pregnancy. However, it gradually depends on which type of abortion is she going for. Basically, there are 2 sorts of abortion, one is surgical abortion and the other one is medical abortion. Time taken by each procedure varies from each other. In surgical abortion, a medical expert makes use of anesthesia, operational pieces of equipment to end the pregnancy whereas, in medical abortion process medical expert confirms the pregnancy period and type and then suggest the patient to buy abortion pill kit online which consist of 2 medicines named Mifepristone-200 mg and Misoprostol-800 mcg. Generally in some state medical abortion is an option for women who have very early stage pregnancy (around 8-9 weeks, depending on the gestation and type of pregnancy). abortions are also available for pregnancy beyond the gestation period, they can go for surgical abortion. However, the latest and earliest into your pregnancy you can soon get the abortion done, but it also depends on the rules and laws in your state and what your doctors, clinic or health center tells you to do as in certain areas, it becomes difficult to find a medical expert who will do a pregnancy termination after 8 weeks of pregnancy. In some cities, medical abortion is available until 10 weeks of gestation. Some online websites will assist you and suggest different options.

How much time is required to complete an abortion process?

After completion of the dosage, a woman may experience severe pain and bleeding may begin within 2 hours to 24 hours. Some women may observe the passing of big clots and tissues within 24 hours and some women may observe within 1-2 days. However, bleeding may continue until a few weeks. Also, the passing of pregnancy tissue may vary from women to women. Also, it is suggested to go for an ultrasound checkup after 15-20 days after the procedure to check the status of the abortion. In this check-up, you can come to know if your pregnancy has ended or not.

What is the time period for having an abortion?

A normal abortion can only be carried out up to 24 weeks of the pregnancy. If any women are less than 16-17 days overdue the compulsory 5 day wait period does not apply.

What is the legal time period for abortion?

An abortion can be carried out up to the period when the fetus is feasible outside the women’s body. Under the criminal code, it is twenty-four weeks. Under the practice, the medical expert provides a 2-week limit and has made a limit of 22 weeks.