Abortion Pill – How Safe It Is?


Though an abortion ‘pill’ is known to be famous for ending an unwanted pregnancy, it not one pill alone that terminates the pregnancy. The abortion pill is a medical combination of 2 medicines. (1) Mifepristone (2) Misoprostol. As the medical abortion procedure allows women to end the pregnancy at home, people around the world question the safety involved in the procedure.

This blog helps understand how the medical abortion procedure is safe to perform even at home. Continue reading “Abortion Pill – How Safe It Is?”

What is the Best Age To Get Pregnant

Right age for Pregnancy

There’s no specific “best” age for getting pregnant because pregnancy is more than a physical thing. You have to be physically, emotionally and mentally ready to raise a baby and start a family. The average age of first pregnancy in the US is said to be 25. While family planning is important, an unwanted pregnancy situation occurs without alarming you before. Online internet pharmacy store safeabortionrx helps women know their options if they get into unwanted pregnancy situation.

Age Group: 20-24

This is a period when you’re most fertile. Your menstruation is most likely to be regular and ovulatory. The chances of getting pregnant are more with unprotected sexual intercourse. Having said that, this is an age where women are emotionally unprepared to raise a baby and hence prefer taking pregnancy prevention measures while having sexual intercourse.

Age Group 25-29

If you are maintaining your diet & health, you remain most fertile in this phase too. Staying fit especially helps to be in shape even after delivery. It is believed that getting pregnant and starting in this age group can decrease the chances of breast cancer. In terms of emotions, earlier this age group was known to as family-to-be group. However, today’s woman endeavors to be financially settle in her late 20’s. As a result there’s a slight shift in the age group at which women start their family. If you unintentionally conceive, instead of cursing your fate or decisions, you can start looking for a solution quickly. Most women with an unwanted pregnancy prefer to buy abortion pills and undergo an abortion procedure at home.

After  Group  30:

Fertility of a woman begins to decline as she crosses 30. Since this is a gradual process, it, of course, does not happen overnight. If you are trying to get pregnant at this age, you can consider speaking to your doctor to know your ovulation period. There are slightly lower chances of normal pregnancies. Having said that, if you’re looking after your health, you will not face any problem in getting pregnant. Since women in this age group are mostly married and almost settling in their life, they plan to start their family.

Age group 35-39

The rate at which fertility declines at this age group is steep. Women can face difficulties in getting pregnant. Women who are completely fit and healthy are no exception for this case. Hence, medical experts suggest begin trying at the earliest if you wish to become pregnant while in falling in this age group.

After 40 age group:

Most women reach their perimenopause phase as they cross 40. You are least fertile during this stage. Even if you get pregnant, the risks and complexity involved in this age group can be high. If you are in a phase where women are expected to be fertile and still facing problems in conceiving, you should consult a doctor. It should not take longer than a year to get pregnant. Seek help if you are struggling despite trying for more than 12 months.

How Soon After an Abortion Can You Get Pregnant

Pregnancy after abortion

Most women who get their pregnancy ended are not always against getting pregnant or raising a child. At some point in time, they wish to get pregnant again. However, an abortion experience can make them anxious while trying to get pregnant again. If you are wondering if is it hard to get pregnant after abortion, it is not.

This blog sheds light on pregnancy after an abortion experience.

What happens to your body after an abortion?

Whichever method you choose for terminating your pregnancy, you get back your fertility soon after you undergo the pregnancy termination procedure. When you plan to conceive soon after your abortion procedure, what matters the most is how you performed the procedure. Hence, whenever choosing abortion clinics for your pregnancy termination surgery, make sure it’s genuine and safe to undergo. Same is the case with medical abortion. Since a lot of women choose an online pharmacy option to buy abortion pill kit online, it is advised that they choose it wisely after reviewing the website thoroughly. It is equally important to ensure that you have understood the whole procedure as with medical abortion, it is you who administers the pills and undergo the procedure on your own.

How long does it usually take to get pregnant?

You get your menstrual periods within a month or two. Do not mistake the post-medical-abortion bleeding for your menstrual bleeding. The bleeding involved in the process is a result of prostaglandin components in the abortion medicine which help remove the pregnancy contents from the body. In both methods of abortion, physicians advise not to immediately have sexual intercourse to avoid any kind of infection or other health concerns that may arise. The risks of infection are more with the case of surgical termination of pregnancy. You can begin trying to conceive within 2 weeks after your menstruation begins. Learn your ovulation period and plan your pregnancy accordingly. Its success may vary as per individual.

How does medical abortion impact your future pregnancy?

The side effects of medical abortion are temporary in nature and hence none of them affect your future pregnancy. There’s isn’t enough material on how medical abortion can result in complications in pregnancy. Also, women who have had medical termination of pregnancy in the past were able to conceive with a normal pregnancy & its delivery. There’s were rare cases of ectopic pregnancy which showed no correlation with the procedure of medical abortion.

When is it safe to get pregnant after an abortion

Any time that you are physically and emotionally ready to conceive is perhaps the best time to get pregnant after an abortion. You are as fertile as you were before even though you have had a pregnancy termination experience. Similarly, if you do not wish to get pregnant, soon after an abortion, you should not forget to use contraception when getting involved in sexual activities. If compared between surgical abortion and medical abortion, there are fewer chances of pregnancy complication in medical abortion cases.