Medical abortion is a process which involves taking abortion medicines such as Mifeprex and Cytolog and ending an unwanted pregnancy up to nine weeks of pregnancy gestation. While women are always advised to have protected sexual intercourse, it can happen that they get accidentally pregnant in uneventful circumstances.
Since reaching a safe medication for pregnancy termination has become easy, women are availed with abortion pills online every time they get unwanted pregnancy. Though most of them are concerned about their health as safety in multiple abortions is questioned, they believe that continuing the pregnancy can worsen their life. Hence, this blog sheds light on the safety of medical abortion procedure more than once.
Before we understand how multiple abortions can have an impact on a woman’s health, it is important to know the medical abortion procedure. When you take the Mifeprex abortion pill, there are hormonal changes going on for the next 24 hours. During this period, the pregnancy development is stopped and it is detached from the womb. On day 2 of the medical abortion procedure, you are asked to take the second pill, Cytolog. The second pill, prostaglandin pill again make a hormonal change in the body and expels the pregnancy contents from the body. For this, the Cytolg abortion pill contracts the uterine lining and brings in cramps in the abdominal area. The tissues are then removed from the body through heavy vaginal bleeding.
Medical abortion
After abortion is very important when it comes to highliting the healing part of the process. You have to follow the instructions such as not having sexual intercourse for the next few days or inserting anything in the vagina. You may also be told not to get invovled in physical activities which are intense and may put pressure on the vagina.
Is it safe to have multiple medical abortions
If you have taken care of your reproductive health in the previous abortion case, it is okay it should not become a major health concern to have multiple abortions. However, this does not mean that you can have unprotected sexual intercourse leading to a repeat unintended pregnancy and keep aborting the pregnancy again and again. Multiple abortions can hurt the vagina and affect the reproductive health of the woman. You can have maximum thrice medical abortion cases in your lifetime. Any additional cases of pregnancy termination can deteriorate the uterus and thereby affecting the future pregnancies.
It is advised that women use contraception method when having sexual intercourse. They can have birth control pills which help regulate the menstrual cycle and also prevent an unwanted pregnancy. Precaution is a better choice than aborting and putting pressure on the vagina.