Safest days for intercourse to avoid pregnancy

Safest days for intercourse to avoid pregnancy

An unwanted pregnancy is often an uninvited pain for women. Though we can easily get abortion pills online and end the pregnancy, women prefer keeping an uneventful pregnancy at bay. When a mature egg gets released from an ovary, ovulation takes place. With around a 28-day gap, an egg matures and releases from either of the ovary passing into the fallopian tube.

For around 12-24 hours after the egg is released from the ovary, it can remain viable. On having sexual intercourse, the sperm can stay alive for around five-six days. While the implantation can occur around 6-12 days after ovulation.If you do not get pregnant, the lining of the uterus begins shedding through your menstrual period.

Speaking of pregnancy, you can conceive soon after your menstrual period. That being said, you may not have a high chance to conceive if you have intercourse soon before your menstruation.

When you track your ovulation period the highest chances are when you near your ovulation date till 48 hours after the ovulation takes place. Thirty-six to Forty-eight hours after the ovulation, the probability of getting pregnant gets lower.

Know when to have sexual intercourse to avoid pregnancy:

Though we have options to buy abortion pills and end the pregnancy, women surely do not wish to get unwillingly pregnant and then have an abortion. Pregnancy prevention is the best solution to avoid any such situation. For this, you must understand the ovulation period.

You can find out your fertile window through the following steps:

You can record your menstrual cycle by understanding the tentative gap between each menstrual period. To track the same, you should count from the first day of your last period to the first period of your present menstrual period.

While the gap can vary every month, you can track the shortest break and the longest break between two menstrual periods.
With this, as you learn the first day of your fertile window, you can subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle.

Similarly, as you learn the last day of your fertile window, you can subtract 11 from the longest cycle.
You would get the range between the two dates. That is the time you can have the highest chances of getting pregnant.
Hence, if you wish to avoid getting pregnant, you should also avoid having sexual intercourse between the ovulation range you calculated.

Typically, healthcare providers suggest having sexual intercourse when you near your menstrual period. Because that’s when you have the lowest chances of getting pregnant. Having said that, it is advised to use protection since unwanted pregnancy cannot always be avoided purely based on the ovulation period.